Friday, August 28, 2009

Driving fail.

So as you can see in the title, today I experienced something that I'd like to call driving fail. I was in the car drinking a 695ml can of Arizona Green Tea at the beginning of the ride, I finished 10 minutes into the ride (we were on our way to some paint balling place), and yeah I'd say "by the end of the ride" except that was when the driving fail occurred. See, we had a fully functioning GPS, there was a roadblock so we have to make a detour and landed up on highway 407. We left at the closest exit which was Fairview Mall. So here we were with the fully functioning GPS but we spent 30 minutes driving around looking for the right exit... why? Because Ferdi (the driver) and Daniel (the one in the passenger seat) decided not to use the GPS for the purpose of navigating us to the right destination but instead they used it as a map... why? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? 30 minutes I held in my pee for 30 minutes. That is all I have to say.


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