Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009


On Thursday, there was a little University fair thing... my friends and I are pretty bummed out at the fact that the cut-off marks have gotten so high. I've never had such low business marks before, my initial goal was to take business because it was easy. My mark boosters became a mark killer...

I've been having second thoughts about business... I think arts are more me? :/

Anyways, today I went to the grocery store with my mom and I think I've seen the saddest thing ever... you know those shopping carts "buggies" as some call it? People don't necessary return it to the main place where these carts/buggies are stored. There are people who are hired to gather them and put them back. Anyways, usually, those people are given some kind of machine that helps them push the carts so not a lot of their energy and effort is used to get the carts to move. Given that it is quite a dangerous job with all the cars moving and such plus the cold weather in Canada I think that those cart-pusher things are a must for this job; however, what I saw today was absolutely disgusting... I could not believe what the super market puts their employees through... today, what I saw was a man; a man who worked for the super market, he wasn't young, I'd assume he was around his late 40's... this man had 'ought to be the hardest working person I have ever seen. He was small yet he had to use all his might to pull and tug on about 20 of these carts/buggies (which is extremely hard) because he wasn't given a cart-pusher thing... How the hell is that even ethical I mean I know for a fact that this supermarket did not pay their employees the minimum wage and even if they did people should not have to use that much effort/strength into working to earn less than $9 an hour. I stood there watching this man pull and tug on these carts and almost cried... I mean imagine your father going to work outside in the dark cold weather of Canada and having to use all that effort just to provide food and a warm decent shelter for you.. that is heart breaking. If that was my father I'd honestly rather starve than to see him go through all that pain and struggles. I wish there was some way I can help him so that his job is easier.

I don't understand why people always refer to Africa when talking about starving people or poverty... It's quite obvious that you don't have to go that far to see someone in poverty. Within kilometres you're bound to find someone in poverty in Toronto. Starving people, homeless people, and people like that man I saw. It's a shame that we are not doing anything to try to help these people and I know I'm not doing anything by just blogging about it but certainly people can start to care and get informed about these people.

I just wish there was some way I could help...

Anyways... toodles :/


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Green Bathroom

I stole this off of Lush's website but chances are not many people read about this on the website so I am going to post it here:

1 Think About What You Really Need Learn about cosmetics ingredients and their effects. Read product labels. Avoid ingredients that are not beneficial to you or that are harmful to the environment. Ask for samples so you can try a product for a few days to help you make the right choices. The single most eco-friendly thing you can do is avoid collecting half-used bottles of products that weren't right for your needs.

2 Use Solid, Unpackaged Products Choose bar soap instead of shower gel or liquid soap. Use shampoo bars instead of bottled shampoo and solid massage bars instead of massage oil. These are all better for the environment as there is little or no packaging. Solid products also contain no water and therefore need no environmentally-damaging preservatives.

3. Check for A Use-By Date No use-by date usually means that the product is heavily preserved. (Read the ingredient label and you'll see...) More preservatives down the drain are bad for the environment.

4 Avoid Disposables Look for personal hygiene products with extended life spans such as toothbrushes and razors with disposable heads. If you only replace the head you are throwing less away.

5 Explore Water Recycling Systems When you have a bath, make the most of it! Take at least 45 minutes out of your schedule to relax and unwind. Even better, share your bath with your partner. When you're finished, try recycling your bath water. You can use it to water your house plants, garden or lawn. Your begonias will thank you.

6 Don't Leave the Tap On When you shave, brush your teeth, or even shower, only turn on the water when absolutely necessary: at the beginning and the end. While you're soaping yourself or when brushing, stop gallons of water rushing down the drain needlessly by turning off the tap.

7 Recycle Your Plastics Most of us are already in the habit of recycling containers like water bottles and milk jugs but we don't always remember that most of our bathroom containers can be recycled too. Just be sure to wash them first. If you don't, they can contaminate the rest of your recycling and end up in a landfill. Plus, for every 5 black LUSh pots you return to you local shop you can pick up a free Fresh face mask!

8 Shop With A Lower Carbon Footprint Whenever you shop for cosmetic products, take your own reusable bag. Buy local products when possible (look at the label, was it made locally or air freighted in from afar?) and avoid buying products with excessive packaging (remember that sometimes the contents cost less than the packaging). Reduce your carbon footprint even more by walking or cycling to the shops. At the very least, take public transportation or carpool.

9 Save Water from going down the Loo Leave a water bottle filled with sand in the back of your toilet tank. This displaces the water so it takes less every time you flush. And remember; if it's yellow, let it mellow. Every flush uses gallons of water, so if you flush every other pee, you'll be saving thousands of gallons of water per year.

10 Use Green cleaning products Using conventional cleaning products in the bathroom exposes you and the environment to hundreds of harmful chemicals. By choosing 'Green' cleaning products, your bathroom comes just as clean, but you won't be inhaling toxins or contributing to environmental problems. When LUSH first started in the U.K, it was one of the few companies to list their ingredients on labels. Though there was no law saying it had to, LUSH was just incredibly proud of their formulations! Now in the U.K, and in North America it is mandatory to quantitatively list ingredients on cosmetics, and we are still very proud to do so.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Vow Of Silence

Today, I made paper out of old papers shreaded up and soaked in water. There was also a little University Convention.. I am still concerned about university applications. Quite interesting...

During the book club discussions, my group and I got off topic and began to analise the different ways people say certain words. Apparently, you can tell who were born and raised in Toronto by the way they pronounce Toronto. Torontorians pronounce it To-ron-no. Au Contraire, I've heard about this before on the radio; however, I was born and raised in Toronto and yet, I pronounce Toronto as To-Ron-To... yes, I articulate my words as it was required for vocals. I do believe that the way of determining true "Torontorians" is quite faulty.

'Tis pass 12, I am supposed to be doing the Vow of Silence but I'm too angry at the fact that no one in my neighbourhood wanted to pledge... I mean I've knocked on doors where young adults had a BMW parked outside, clearly they have some change laying around to donate to help build a school in Sierra Leone... what's even worse is his reply was "My parents aren't home yet"... grow the frick up... you can drive a BMW but can't spare some change for a good cause!? My friend and I decided to pick houses with nice cars parked on their driveway; it seemed like a good idea to do so. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. It's disgusting to know that people with so much wealth are so selfish. My area produces the highest amount of income versus other cities; however, we are the least thoughtful people. People in the "poor" places of Toronto donates and contributes to charities way more than people in my area do. What a shame.

I can't even remember what else I wanted to rant about anymore...

I suppose it is time for bed.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

While I Wait...

Good morning everyone. I know I haven't been updating for a while but oh well, I suppose the element of surprise would be better than regular routine updates. Mmmm. I've really been into the Korean culture lately, who else can I blame for this, none other than Charlotte and Jennifer. It is currently Saturday morning and I have a lot on my mind. School, marks, "Ideal image", pretty much it.

School is stressful, I can't seem to figure out why I haven't started to really "try" in school yet. I seem to come home and literally do nothing but eat and watch YouTube videos. I think I've lost interest in accounting before I've even began to take accounting. My marks are horrible, actually no they're not, my average seems low because of Advanced Functions, I think I really do need to find something that can motivate me to try. Don't get me wrong, I do care and do try, I just need a kick to start doing so, that kick is something that I rarely get. I bring my work home and just look at it and say, "Later, later I will do it later FOR SURE", and what do I end up doing instead... not my homework. I am not going to blame anyone/thing for my behaviour and lack of motivation however I must add that I absolutely dislike my first period class for multiple reasons that I can not state here; however, I can verbally say it and not care.

As I am finishing my final year of high school marks are not the only thing I am concerned with. I am concerned about the choices that I will have to make shortly. What school should I go to and how do I know I am making the right choices. I wonder statistically how many people at this point [who are happy and successful] knew for a fact that their choice was right... I supposed they were really lucky. Something else that frustrates me is reputation of schools. Does it really matter? If I went to a prestigious ass school does it make me more superior than someone who didn't? I learned in English that the only reason why those schools are prestigious is only because it has the reputation of a prestigious school; hence, many people apply to schools like that; whereas, schools that aren't well-known have less people applying to it which means that it doesn't really have enough representatives to talk about it to make it as prestigious as other schools. That explains why school that are not well-known are offering full scholarships and whatnot. Does the quality of education have a significant difference from school to school? I suppose I shouldn't be asking these questions here, but I should ask people from these schools that I plan to apply to.

Body image, oh boy. So Prom is probably going to be here in the blink of the eye. This school year was so quick, it seems like each year passes by faster and faster, how can I slow time down so I can enjoy my final year of high school longer? I want to look fantastic for my final year, heck, I want to look fantastic always, I mean, who doesn't!? I guess I am quite self-conscious these days since I've gained a few pounds. I really need to start drinking more water and doing more exercise, besides 30 minutes of exercise a day isn't that time consuming especially since I spend my whole day on YouTube watching videos anyways, might as well do something productive. I wish I could really do yoga leisurely, my stupid brother is always in my room; which causes me to not have enough privacy to do yoga. Ugh.

How stupid is it that my brothers computer is in my room and I can't have privacy in my OWN room anymore?

I am hoping that someone's read the title and wondered why I decided to name this post that, I am waiting for my father and brother to bring home my breakfast... well brunch now.

Swiss Cheese Omelette and home-fries.
I guess I will add a picture of my food to this post later when it arrives...
I find that uploading pictures is quite a tedious process since I do not have the cable thing or an USB adaptor.
Late Night Alumni's new album is released. I must say I did like their old one better but I am not going to complain since this one is still good. Just not as good. I found it quite shocking that when I asked if HMV would have LNA's new album, no one had a clue who they were. They're awesome :/

I think my dad is home, if he isn't then oh well I guess I got tricked, but I will update this later with the picture.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Speak of the Devil

So today I checked the mail and got my nail polishes. I placed the order on the 30th of September and got them today, that is some epic fast shipping. As a bonus I also got some New York Times news paper from July LOL.

The colours I got are listed in the post above this one but for those who are lazy I purchased Pamplona Purple, No Spain No Gain and Do You Lilac It? All three are from OPI. The picture below is a comparison of MAC's Love & Friendship from A Rose Romance collection (left/index) and OPI's Do You Lilac It? (right/thumb) I would say that these two colours are quite similar however Love & Friendship is more on the pink side whereas Do You Lilac It? is more on the purple or lilac side. The picture is kinda' horrible so I will try to get a better picture on my camera when the sun is up again. Both of these colours are matte.
The picture below is a comparison of OPI's Pamplona Purple (bottom/thumb) and OPI's No Spain No Gain (top/index). These colours are also pretty similar... No Spain No Gain is more on the red side than Pamplona purple which is more on the purple side. I think that if you were to get these nail polishes, you'd be good getting either one of the two. Honestly, I am hoping it's just my lighting but at the moment I can not tell the difference at first unless I examine the colours closely. Again horrible swatches, but I will try to do a better one. Sorry. Perhaps I should swatch these on blank white paper?
Hope this helped,


Yes those are my parents and I am mighty proud of them, aren't they lovely? :)
Hola people who are following me, so as you guys may know or rather will find out, I am going to try to lose weight, I've already calculated my daily calorie intake, a year ago I lost 10 lbs effortlessly by counting calories and some short yoga sessions. I am going to start as I find that works the best for me and was the most effective way. Today, I have to really start to try in Math. class, I can't fool around anymore it's been a month into school, I've had plenty of time to adapt to school. After I type this I am going to work on my English Semiotics Assignment. There's my goal for the school year, lose weight and do better in school. Actually there's another one, I want to grow my layers out, when I try to curl my hair it looks horrible and flat because my hair is so thinned out. I dislike it. I'd rather have thicker hair so that my hair doesn't get exposed to heat that much and so that it looks better when it's curl. I want to be able to braid my hair while it's damp, wake up the next day and be able to have nice waves in my hair not nasty pubic hair looking waves... for lack of better words. I supposed fried crimped hair would work but I like the first analogy more. :)

My mommy is finally back from visiting her ill mother out of the country. She was gone for a month and I find that her absence had made me realize many things and the fact that I love her and genuinely care about her. I am now trying to be a better daughter and appreciating her. I do believe I am doing a very good job at it :) EEEEEEE I'm just so happy she's back.

For those who don't know, here are some of the things that I have ordered online and will get soon:
144 Palette
Acrylic Nail Kit
White French Tip Nails
Fimo Canes
Mini Bows (for nails)
OPI Espana: Pamplona Purple
OPI Espana: No Spain No Gain
OPI _____: Do You Lilac It? (I fear that this will be too similar to my MAC Love & Friendship (Cream)Nail Lacquer from MAC's A Rose Romance collection)
Apple iPhone earphones with Mic (I ordered 3 at once since I know I will be losing them easily and because Apple earphones are such horrible quality they will break on me however I am left with very limited choices since I have an iPhone 2G)

Things I want:
OPI Lincoln Park After Dark
OPI Done Out In Deco
Over the Knee Boots
Lomography Diana Deluxe Package (If anyone has relatives in the states please tell me thank you)

Recently, I've really gotten into nail stuff. :| I think I kinda' made a bad choice when I ordered the Fimo Canes, I mean how often would I have the time to sit and do my nails especially since I am in my senior year of school. I am also thinking about getting the 28 neutral palette and the 88 shimmer, I am going to wait to see if the 120 palette in the 144 palette has a lot of shimmers in it, if there is then it'd clearly make no sense that I am going to order an 88 shimmer palette.

I will hopefully do a review on the stuff that I have ordered. I also need to do a haul entry or video from last month.... laziness :)

Well off to homework I go, toodles


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another MIA

Sorry for not updating again. I have been so caught up with... -insert something epic here-. I honestly wish I was caught up with something epic. I'm getting to my usual school "routines" again, no, not the good one but the bad one. You know, the sleep in, go to school, come home, do nothing productive, "Oh look it's past 12 maybe I should start doing my homework", homework, bed by 1-2am. This isn't healthy. It's just I can't seem to get away from this disgusting cycle.

I am looking at Watchmen at the moment and I can't decide whether or not I should continue reading it... it is the long weekend, and I am going to go on a subway ride tomorrow to Downtown to attend the University Fair. Sadly, all I can think about is shopping. I think I'm a shopaholic. This occurred to me as I cleaned my room (Which, I must add is STILL CLEAN! :D) I have a surplus of everything I need/want. Must not be weak and restrain myself from shopping. Tomorrow, I am only allowed to spend $50 food included. To be on the safe side, I am not going to take my debit card with me. That should do the trick.

I have an in-car lesson in less than half an hour. I hate driving it takes so much concentration and effort, after I finish my driving lesson I am going to go volunteer at MCBC, after that I am going to shower and head over to Melissa's house. Or perhaps I should do a haul from the MAC Warehouse sale I was at.. a while ago. Well I am going to go play with Priscilla's MAC Shadestick Sharkskin that she was kind enough to lend to me to experiment with.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Addicted to Plaid.

So the day before school started I went shopping with Daphne and I think ever since I got that really nice plaid shirt, I am now addicted and IN LOVE with plaid. I fricken can't get enough of it. Here's what I am planning to get (these are all from Forever21):
Had to remove the pictures! :)

Do you like plaid? :)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Last Day of Summer Vacation

So today I was at Upper Canada Mall with Daphne and her Aunt (We didn't walk/shop with her) and I am quite happy to say that I only spent $42.48. I bought two nail polishes, an orange one and a teal one from Ardene (I wanted to test the quality). I bought the plaid tunic you see in the picture above and a black gel liner from CK:

Review: I'm not a fan of eyeliner but I fricken LOVE this gel liner. I think I am going to buy some from Coastal Scents to try out more gel liners (Actually I would but their shipping to Canada is so expensive it's not even worth it). The little brush that comes with it is pretty stupid and crappy. I applied this with an angled eyeliner brush from Sephora and wow it's fricken amazing. Tomorrow I will wear this to see how long it lasts and to see if it smudges. I hope the next time I go to Sephora, it's not sold out.

I think I really like Upper Canada Mall I mean I went to a MAC counter in Fairview Mall and apparently the Back To MAC program only offers the choice of Lipsticks. The one at Upper Canada? Nope. They offer: Lipglass, Lipstick and best of all EYESHADOW! I currently have 5 empty eyeshadow pots but Daphne is willing to give me her soon-to-be empty lipstick container so I can have 6. EEEEEE ~ I'm so excited I can't decide over which eyeshadow I should get though. Here are my choices:
  • Amber Lights
  • Rule
  • Violet Trance
  • Purple Shower
  • Phloof!
Or I can get a nice nude lipstick... Myth would be a nice choice?
If you have any suggestions or recommendation please tell me. Thank you.


Monday, September 7, 2009

The Wrap-Up: Summer 2009

Honestly, I'm really disappointed of how unproductive my summer has been. I mean let's see what my usual days consisted of:
  • Waking up at 3-4 pm
  • Eating my breakfast at dinner time
  • YouTube
  • Listening to music on iTunes
  • TV
  • Minimal communication with my family
  • Getting angry <- really not a hard thing to do when you're at home with a younger brother Sleeping after the sun rises

I eat random means through out the day of course it's just so inconsistent that I couldn't really type down when I ate.
The only productive thing I did was cleaning and organizing my room (shown 2 posts before this)

Things/People I like during Summer 2009:
  • Guava Nectar
  • Mango Nectar
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Melona
  • MAC Cosmetic
  • Glysomed Hand Cream
  • Jean short shorts
  • Coloured or black stockings
  • Flats
  • Late Night Alumni
  • Jason Mraz

Of course my selective group of friends would be listed but they're not something I like seasonally. :)

Tip of the season: If you are running to a bus stop to board the bus and the bus leaves before you get there, pretend you're jogging, continue running.

Type a list of things/people that you liked Summer 2009. :)


Saturday, September 5, 2009

One QQ (Quick Question)

Can anyone figure out another meaning to this symbol I saw at the Royal Ontario Museum?
The only meaning I can think of was that dinosaurs used headphones.

Leave a comment if you can figure any other meanings.


Friday, September 4, 2009


So I was away for a few days.. rather many days. I've been cleaning my room. What is better than a clean organized room to study in!? I cleaned and organized my closet and makeup :)Here are some photos:
My two most favourite perfumes.

Yeah so that's what most my makeup are in.

The first drawer has all my face stuff. I'm not even going to name what there are since th
ere's a picture.

The second drawer has my eyes stuff

The third drawer has all my lip stuff and some other things

This is a picture of what my closet doors look like.

This is what is inside my first closet

This is what is inside my second closet

These are on the top of the second closet which is different than my first closet which has more of my bags

So yeah that took me a while to clean and organize. I apologize that this is not really detailed. I really have a lot of catching up to do with blogging and uploading pictures. Tomorrow is the last day I spend with my mommy. I hope we're going out for dinner. :) I will see my friend tomorrow in Mississauga while my mom is at work. I need to get up early to get to her house so toodles


Friday, August 28, 2009

Hellos and Goodbyes

Today I purchased Chi's Silk Infusion and wow it smells like mens cologne. Yum the smell of men :) harharhar. I like it but I've only had it for a few hours I shall try it out some more so that I can get a proper review of it.

Other than that I had a pretty fun day today it just sucks that it was so cold. I hate being reminded about how summer is ending soon and it's almost autumn. School ugh. I still need to go back to school shopping. My like awesome-est friends are going to be at a cottage tomorrow for 7 days. On the plus side, my mom is going to Vietnam soon :) Yay!

I don't relly feel like updating today so toodles!


Driving fail.

So as you can see in the title, today I experienced something that I'd like to call driving fail. I was in the car drinking a 695ml can of Arizona Green Tea at the beginning of the ride, I finished 10 minutes into the ride (we were on our way to some paint balling place), and yeah I'd say "by the end of the ride" except that was when the driving fail occurred. See, we had a fully functioning GPS, there was a roadblock so we have to make a detour and landed up on highway 407. We left at the closest exit which was Fairview Mall. So here we were with the fully functioning GPS but we spent 30 minutes driving around looking for the right exit... why? Because Ferdi (the driver) and Daniel (the one in the passenger seat) decided not to use the GPS for the purpose of navigating us to the right destination but instead they used it as a map... why? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? 30 minutes I held in my pee for 30 minutes. That is all I have to say.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Things to do Before Summer Break Ends

My feet smells bad, just thought you all should know.
They're my flats, they're old and smell horrible.
But have no fear world(Priscilla) I am going to get new ones soon.

So according to the title, this is a list of things for me to do before my summer break ends:
  • Go to the beach
  • Go to Ikea
  • Remove carpets
  • Paint walls
  • Organize my room
  • Have friends come over and leave me notes/sign my wall
  • Back to school shopping
  • Save up at least $600 in my bank ($300 for warehouse sale [see previous post])
  • Take over the world
I wonder if anyone reads this...

Holla for a dolla

Yeah I couldn't think of a good title but whatever. I think today was a great day even though the rather better part of it was random, last minute and totally uncalled for. I love Priscilla's family. :) They're so cool. So let's see what did I do today?
2:?? pm I woke up and showered because I really needed to wash my hair
3:?? Ate cereal, checked for bus times
4:?? Did random crap on my computer (really by "random" I meant try to force someone to go to the mall with me to pick up (buy) Estee Lauder and MAC warehouse sale tickets). Obviously I failed at forcing people to come with me so I had to go alone
4:50 I left my house
5:08 I boarded the bus
6:00 I was still on the bus
6:01 I got off the bus

Yeah okay so I was supposed to meet the person who were selling the tickets to me at 6. Just for all those out there, the bus was supposed to be at the stop at 5:03. It was late, YRT (York Region Transit) is notorious for never being on time. It's late when you go to the stop early. It's early when you go to the stop late. Either way you're bound to wait.

So let's see where was I before the YRT rant...

Okay so 6:?? I went to the bank to get some money to pay for the tickets
6:15 mission accomplished then headed to Sephora to check the Daisy Perfume by Marc Jacobs for Daphne. Called Sang and Daphne. Talked to Sang because Daphne didn't pick up until later.

Anyways who cares what time I did what, let's skip to the exciting parts

Obtained MAC warehouse tickets
Today I finally found where the bus stop at Fairview Mall is.
Went to Priscilla's TKD class.
Had some old dimsum
Went to Boston Pizza


I have been craving pizza for a few days now.
Just thought you all should know.
That is all.
Someone tell me that doesn't look delicious!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Someday, Monday, Slow Day.

Yum S'mores are delicious. So right now I am sitting in front of my computer listening to some more wonderful works of Mr. Mraz while sipping on some Arizona Green Tea. I really don't understand why anyone would need 695mL of this stuff, I guess it's nice for them to give you so much in a can but it is quite heavy to carry around, especially in a purse (I was at the Royal Ontario Museum a few days ago and decided to bring a can with me). I don't remember who it was but one of my friends told me that these drinks will give me cancer. I don't really worry too much about it since everything can give you cancer. It is 21 degrees celsius outside at the moment but I am shivering inside.

Earlier I was watching some good old cartoons on TV, I haven't really noticed how much time I spend in front of my computer, it's kinda' odd. I think this year I will spend more time cleaning, studying and reading. Of course that's what I say every year but a few of my really great friends read a lot, I don't think it'd be that bad I mean with the proper book selection. Does anyone know of any good books? Please do not suggest the Twilight series, thank you.

After watching TV I went on the computer (no surprise) and I was trying to see if the Estee Lauder and MAC warehouse sale tickets were out yet. I really hope I can get tickets for my friends and I. I am so excited to go to IMATS. The only reason why I really want to go there is to get the Ben Nye palette and look at the works of some other peoples. I wish I had that much interest for cleaning my room and for school. I'd be so smart, I will probably be gifted.

This [school] year I really want to cut down on the use of my computer, read more, keep my room clean, run/bike more often, do more chores (gotta' help out my parents), study more, work on projects a bit everyday and not procrastinate. I hope I can do that. I also have to work more often so I can buy my own stuff, summers been so odd for me. I don't have a normal sleep pattern so I don't even feel like working anymore, I haven't worked for over a month, it kinda' really sucks to know that I can't use my money lavishly. Definitely going to try to work this week. I wonder how I am going to keep a balanced life, my "New School Year Resolutions" seem really time consuming. I think it'd be worth it if I go shopping once every two weeks (as a reward for being able to do all the things listed). I'm not really in the mood to go out shopping a lot anymore, I guess this is a good thing, I hate getting ready to go out I hate bussing. Ugh. I wonder if there are anyway for me to get straight hair or at least hair that looks "good" without needing to use extreme heat. I want long, healthy hair for prom.

I think I am going to type more of my feelings and thoughts later. It is currently 4:08 pm. Toodles world (or just Priscilla)!

Okay so to add on to the post, I have decided that I shouldn't add on more. Today was a pretty boring day. The highlight of the day would be that I got a really nice shade of red on my lips with the 88 Coastal Scents palette and just a regular lip balm. What do you guys think about the colour?

Tomorrow I am going to Fairview Mall to pick up 3 tickets to somewhere awesome for myself and 2 awesome girls. :) I am excited already. September 12, 2009 will be an epic day.

Until tomorrow,

The First Blog

Dear Internet (or whom this may concern), so as you can see in the title up there *points up* this is my first blog. This seems pretty cool right now. :) I hope I get into the habit of keeping this updated. Today is what... Sunday (only because I have yet to sleep and I do not consider it a new day yet), so today I have battled with my room and my other closet which has my old clothes in there, I am going to keep accessories in that closet instead, why put it to waste by storing stuff that I don't need? I also drew up this totally sweet concept for my new room (yeah I'm not a professional so it looks shitty. I am also left handed and using a right handed computer mouse):
Anyways, I opened the closet and good god it was literally filled from top to bottom full of old clothes, I can't wait to drop them off at those donation boxes tomorrow. :) Pretty awesome and straight forward picture. I think I've cleaned for 5 hours today with breaks of course. I only took 3 breaks though so really I did clean for a long time. Tomorrow I will battle some more with my room but so far I do believe I am losing. I think my room looks messier than before but that's because there are clothes all over the floor. I wish I had made this blog thing earlier so I could have taken a before and after picture and I think it'd be kinda' funny to compare the real thing to the crappy picture I drew on Photoshop CS4. I just think it'd be so cool to have a new environment for my room, great way to start off the new school year, the final year of high school, I can't wait until it's over.

So it's almost 4:00 am and here I am downstairs on my computer typing this blog entry, listening to Mr. Mrazs music on iTunes and drinking some Black Currant juice, which I might add, is delicious! My eyes are itching but I am up typing this and talking to a friend on MSN about contacts. Ahaha. He is struggling with his first pair of contacts. I remember the first time I was trying to wear mine... what a pain. I do believe I have mastered "contact lens", what a fricken' accomplishment right?

Summer is almost over, I think this years summer vacation is definitely the most wasted one. I get so angry thinking about how much I've wasted the summer I don't even want to remind myself and go into detail with it. So because I've wasted my summer so much I am going to plan out the rest of my summer and adhere to my plans. I have so much things to do but really my priority is spending time with my friends, and my super duper sexy (to-be) room. :) I can't wait for the finished product that means I gotta' cleancleanclean! Honestly I wish I had OCD just so I can be a better "clean" person, by clean I totally meant neat and tidy. I admit to being a total slob. I have to change my ways before my housemates in University finds out! D: With my new room, I am going to get rid of everything that I find I hide my garbage in, that means that I won't have anywhere to put it so I'd be forced to throw it out right? If that works out the way I planned, I am so going to have a room with less places for me to hide junk in when I am in University.

Hah! I just read this "Shortcuts: press Ctrl with: B = Bold, I = Italic, P = Publish, S = Save, D = Draft " Total lies. I don't think those "shortcuts" work for me because I am using a Mac... :/

Today I had dinner at Congee Wong (a pretty awesome restaurant). I ate some rice powder cake things, calamari, fried noodles, and salmon congee. I use to love salmon but I've been eating so much of it recently that I am starting to get sick of it. Over the month of August I've been to Kaze (a all you can eat sushi restaurant) at least once a week, I am pretty sick of sushi but last week (the one that just passed) I haven't been to Kaze once. Hopefully I can restore my appetite for sushi by September 1st. I am due back to Kaze after registration day for school. I am going to Kaze with Natalie, Gary and hopefully others... Speaking of Natalie and Gary, they are going to be my housemates if I get into the University I want to. There's another person who will also be one of my housemates, Ferdi. I'm not going to type out personality profiles because that's just plain odd and I also am not a close friend of Ferdi so even if I wanted to type personality profiles, it'd be completely incorrect. Honestly, if I did get into the University that I wanted to I'd be more happy knowing that I am rooming with the wonderful people mentioned, I think they're definitely going to be a great motivation for me to be happy and to stay in the program. Gary and I plan and predict things that the four of us will be doing when we live together, it sounds pretty awesome. Nerf fights, Friday game nights, Pizza Tuesdays, University will be awesome.

I wonder if people will actually read this since it takes a lot of time for me to type this. Of course even if no one else reads it I just like to type and sum up my day/thoughts/feelings. It feels nice to remember and for me to express myself. I know that Priscilla will be reading this. By the way Priscilla if you are reading this "0HPRISCILLLA". :) I think I am going to end this blog entry here and type on my wish list and add more things for me to do on my calender Just because I like to keep myself busy! I think I should take the time now to thank whoever's read this. Or rather not, I am feeling really tired, goodnight world


PS Totally got too tired to proof read so if there are any errors please do tell me! Thank you.